Abaddon the Despoiler

Abaddon is known to be the driving force behind the Black Crusade which ravaged the Gothic Sector between 142.M41 and 160.M41. What means he used to bring together the fleets of so many different Chaos Lords and Warmasters is unknown, but even his unholy gift of leadership must have been stretched to the full when coordinating the attacks of such an anarchic coalition. Abaddon's own warfleet was the most powerful in the sector and one of the last to be defeated. This was in no small part due to the awesome power of the Planet Killer at his command, to say nothing of the Blackstone Fortresses he succeeded in corrupting to the service of the Dark Gods.

Abaddon was once a Space Marine, a captain of the Luna Wolves 1 st Company during the Great Crusade, over ten thousand years ago, conquering distant stars in the name of the Emperor. The Luna Wolves battled across uncounted worlds to free them from alien tyranny or the taint of Chaos, and Abaddon was ever at the fore. But at the time of the Great Heresy, Abaddon chose to betray the Emperor and join with the forces of his Primarch, the Warmaster Horus, in his attack on Earth. Upon Horus' defeat, Abaddon rallied the remnants of the hordes which had fought on Earth and fled to the Eye of Terror, where the powers of Chaos welcomed him as their champion.

For ten millennia, Abaddon has continued to harry the Imperium at every opportunity, raining fire and destruction on the empire of Mankind that he helped to build. The Gothic War is one of the most recent of his terrible works, but his history of bloodshed extends as far back as the Imperium itself. During the Gothic War, Abaddon took personal command of the Planet Killer in many engagements, although he escaped its rumoured destruction at Kharlos II.


Abaddon can be chosen to act as fleet commander in any game in which the Chaos fleet is worth 1,000 points or more. You may not place a Chaos Lord on the same ship as Abaddon (you don't get to be a Chaos Lord by spending lots of time near a bloody-tempered maniac!). He has the following characteristics:


Abaddon is an exceptional commander in all respects. His crew and fleet live in mortal terror of arousing his anger and perform at peak efficiency when he is aboard. He is also aided by the prophecies of the Sorcerer Zaraphiston.


Abaddon's fleet is allowed to re-roll a single Command check or Leadership test each turn. Abaddon's awesome reputation and dogged determination ensure that there are seldom any failures in the chain of command. When there are, the consequences are likely to be dire.


Boarding Actions: Abaddon is accompanied by his company of Black Legion Traitor Marines aboard the ship he is commanding. This, combined with his own abilities, means that the ship doubles its value in boarding actions and gains an extra +1 boarding modifier.

Hit-and-Run Attacks: Abaddon will have his own ship sealed tight against hit-and-run raiders (he knows every trick in the book). Therefore, hit-and-run raids deduct -1 from their dice roll against Abaddon's ship. If Abaddon's vessel makes any hit-and-run teleport attacks, add +1 to the dice roll for the attack as it will be undertaken by elite Black Legion Terminators. Boarding torpedoes and assault boats from Abaddon's ship will be manned by more mundane minions and do not receive this modifier.

"You have failed me for the last time..." Abaddon the Despoiler does not tolerate failure, as many of his followers have discovered to their cost. If Abaddon's re-roll is used for a Command check or Leadership test on another ship or squadron and the test is failed a second time, he will become angry - very, very angry! In the Chaos Shooting phase Abaddon will direct at least half the available firepower and lance strength of the ship he is commanding against the weaklings who have failed him (assuming the worthless scum are within range and fire arc). Resolve the attack as normal, just as if Abaddon's vessel were an enemy.

The victims of his wrath (assuming they survive) will be suitably chastised and gain a +1 Leadership increase for the remainder of the game. The Leadership bonus will only take effect once (after that the crews are working as hard as they can!). If the object of Abaddon's wrath is not in range and/or fire arc he will leave them to their fate - Abaddon's re-rolls may no longer be used on it. This means that no further Commander re-rolls may be used on the ship or squadron unless it is carrying its own Chaos Lord with a Mark of Tzeentch.

Should this dreadful failure occur on Abaddon's own ship, it will lose one damage point as the Black Legion massacre those who failed him. No Leadership increase is gained.