Fleet must include a commander if greater than 750 points

Commander (Tau Kor'O), Leadership 9, 1 re-roll 80 points
Commander (Tau Kor'el), Leadership 8, 1 re-roll 50 points

The commander's ship carries a member of the Ethereal caste and therefore has additional re-rolls

One extra re-roll +25 points
Two extra re-rolls +75 points

Fleets greater than 750 points must include at least one Explorer.

Explorer Class Any number 230 points each
Merchant Class Any number 105 points each
Hero Class 0-1 per Merchant
or Explorer class
180 points each
Messenger class 1 per 500 points 50 points each
Defender class Any number 45 points each

Orca - may not have more than the gravitic hook capacity of the rest of the fleet. The Orcas from each parent fight as a squadron with the same Leadership as the parent. They may deploy separately from their parent however and activate different orders. Each Orca costs 25 points as much of their cost is included in the value of the parent ship.

Defenders are fielded in squadrons of 2-6 ships. They may be combined in squadrons with Messengers if you wish. They may not be combined with Orcas. Messengers operate as single ships, or in squadrons. Orcas may be squadroned with other Orcas from vessels squadroned with their parent vessels.