There are two aspects to a Titan – the Titan itself, and its weapons. Each Titan has some basic characteristics which show how fast, manoeuvrable and durable it is. Combined together, the characteristics are called the Titan's profile. The characteristics on a Titan's profile are:


This shows how fast the Titan can move over open ground. Speed is given in centimetres, and ranges from 10cm for very large, ponderous Titans to 30cm for small agile Scout Titans.


This shows how quickly the Titan can change direction, and react to certain situations. The Manoeuvre characteristic shows how many turns a Titan can make during its movement, and is also used in some other situations, such as avoiding difficult terrain.


Each Titan has three Damage Tables, one for the Front, one for the Side and another for the Rear. These are used to determine what damage is suffered when the Titan is hit by a weapon. The higher a Titan's Armour value, the better able it is to withstand attack.


A Titan has a number of hardpoints which can carry a weapon, varying in number from one or two weapons for a small Titan, to four or more weapon systems for larger Titans. This shows where the weapons are mounted and therefore what their 'fire arc' is (see below).


This is a representation of how accurate the Titan's crews are at shooting with their weapons, written as the score you need to equal or beat on a roll of a D6 to score a hit. For example, a Titan with a Gunnery score of 4+ will hit its target with its guns on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6.


This shows how skilled the Titan crew is when fighting other Titans, trying to batter one another with their close combat weapons. CCS is given as a score you need to equal or beat on a roll of a D6 to score a hit. For example, a Titan with a CCS of 5 will hit in close combat on a D6 roll of 5 or 6.