The galaxy of the 41st millennium has evolved many different and deadly weapons, from rapid-firing cannon that hurl a torrent of shells, to sophisticated laser weapons that punch through armour like a knife through butter, to plasma weapons that unleash barely controlled energies. Like the Titan itself, a weapon's effectiveness is determined by a number of different characteristics which make up its profile:


The distance, in centimetres, that a weapon can fire and still hit its target with reasonable accuracy or with sufficient force to cause damage. Obviously, the higher a weapon's Range, the better.


The weapons firepower value as described in the Epic 40,000 rules. This value is used when firing at vehicles, infantry or war machines that still use the rules from the Epic 40,000 rulebook (see the section for incorporating such units into ATII at the end of these rules).


Some guns are inherently more or less accurate to fire, and the Accuracy value modifies the Titan's Gunnery value when firing that weapon. A positive Accuracy (e.g. +2) is good, while a weapon with a negative accuracy (e.g. -1) is not as easy to hit with. Most weapons have a '-' which means they do not modify the Titan's Gunnery.


Some guns fire only a single shot while others hurl a salvo of fire at the enemy. The Rate of Fire of a weapon determines how many shots you get with it every time it fires.


This shows how powerful the weapon is, and therefore how likely it is to inflict damage if it hits. The higher a weapon's Strength, the more likely it is to punch through a target's armour.