Missile Weapons

Short bow

Short bows are small, short-ranged bows that are cheap and require little strength to use. Some cavalry carry a shortened how which is easier to shoot from horseback than a larger bow. Halflings also use short bows, as they lack the strength and height required to use a long bow.

Maximum Range: 16";

Strength: 3;

Special Rules: None


The bow is carried by most races and used extensively in warfare. It is a compact yet powerful weapon, that is cheap to make and easy to maintain.

Maximum Range: 24";

Strength: 3;

Special Rules: None

Long bow

A long bow is made of alternating layers of either yew or elm. A skilled archer can hit a chosen leaf on a tree from three hundred paces with this weapon.

The long bow is favoured by experienced archers due to its great reach and accuracy.

Maximum Range: 30";

Strength: 3;

Special Rules: None

Elf bow

Elven bows are the finest missile weapons of their kind. Constructed from ithilmar or wood from the Elf forests, with strings woven from the hair of Elf maidens, Elven bows are far superior to any missile weapons made by other races. In the hands of an Elven archer, the Elf bow is a truly potent weapon, its long range and penetrating power making it far superior to any bow made by humans.

Maximum Range: 36";

Strength: 3;

Special Rules: -1 Save modifier


Save modifier: An Elf bow has a -1 save modifier on armour saves against it.


A crossbow consists of a short, strong bowstave mounted on a wooden or steel stock. The crossbows of the Empire are made of steel and often include a winding mechanism to draw back the string. It takes a long time to prepare a crossbow, but a bolt fired from one has a tremendous range and can penetrate armour easily.

Crossbows take much longer than other bows to make, so they are expensive and relatively rare weapons. Still, they are the preferred weapon of many in Mordheim because of their power and long range.

Maximum Range: 30";

Strength: 4;

Special Rule: Move or fire


Move or fire: You may not move and fire a crossbow on the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or to stand up.


Slings are rarely used, mainly because they are no more powerful than bows and have a shorter range. A sling is little more than a looped strip of cloth or leather into which a stone is placed. The sling is whirled about the slinger's head and the sling stone is then released towards the target.

While this weapon is looked down upon by most archers, a skilled slinger can slay a man from a considerable distance, and the ammunition is easy to find: rocks are everywhere and free!

Maximum Range: 18";

Strength: 3;

Special Rule: Fire twice at half range


Fire twice at half range: A slinger may fire twice in the shooting phase if he does not move in the movement phase. He cannot shoot over half range (9") though, if he fires twice.

Throwing star/knife

Throwing stars are used mainly by the assassins of the sinister House of Shadows, or by street thugs who specialise in ambushing the unwary. A perfectly balanced knife thrown from behind has ended the life of many a noble and merchant in Mordheim. Throwing knives are not suitable for close combat, as their balance makes them unwieldy in close quarters.

Maximum Range: 6";

Strength: As user;

Special Rule: Thrown weapon


Thrown weapon: Models using throwing stars or knives do not suffer penalties for range or moving as these weapons are perfectly balanced for throwing. They cannot be used in close combat.

Repeater crossbow

Repeater crossbows are extremely complex devices, expensive to acquire and difficult to make. While this makes them rare, they certainly have their uses: they can rain a deadly hail of bolts on enemies, and a warrior using one may move quite fast and still fire his weapon.

Maximum Range: 24";

Strength: 3;

Special Rule: Fire twice


Fire twice: A model armed with a repeater crossbow may choose to fire twice per turn with an extra -1 to hit penalty on both shots.

Crossbow pistol

Crossbow pistols are masterpieces made by expert weaponsmiths. They are miniature crossbows with all the power and accuracy of the real thing. As these weapons may he easily concealed, they are the favoured weapon of assassins.

Maximum Range: 10";

Strength: 4;

Special Rule: Shoot in hand-to-hand combat


Shoot in hand-to-hand combat: A model armed with a crossbow pistol may shoot it in the first round of a hand-to-hand combat and this shot is always resolved first, before any blows are struck. This shot has an extra -2 to hit penalty Use model's Ballistic Skill to see whether it hits or not.