
Little is known about the Solitaires, even amongst the Eldar. They have passed the sacred Ritual which all Harlequins must undertake, yet they live apart from other Harlequins. The Solitaires roam the Webway seeking out Eldar they believe can survive the Ritual, and take them to the Harlequin bands. It is said that the oldest and most powerful Solitaires become the dreaded guardians of the Black Library. On the extremely rare occasions when a Solitaire performs, he or she takes the part of Slaanesh and the Harlequin band will perform the legendary tale of the Birth of the Great Enemy - the most dangerous of all Harlequin masques. It is claimed that others have tried to take on the role of the Great Enemy and died or been driven insane!

Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Options: A Solitaire may be given any equipment allowed by the Harlequins armoury.


Individual: A Solitaire is an independent character and follows all the special rules for indepedent characters given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. In addition, a Solitaire can never join any other unit.

Spiritless: It is postulated by Imperial scholars that a Solitaire has no soul to speak of, and this may be true. They show no evidence of emotions and psychic powers which attack the mind have no effect on them whatsoever. A Solitaire does not have to take any Leadership tests of any kind (morale checks, pinning, etc.). In addition, any attack which relies upon the Solitaire's Leadership value (for example a neuro-disruptor or the Farseer psychic power Mind War) have no effect and automatically fail.

Blitz Attack: When a Solitaire moves at full speed they are a blur of light, faster than any other living creature. A Solitaire can assault 12" instead of the normal 6". Rather than gaining +1 Attack for charging into an assault, a Solitaire gains +1 Attack for each inch of unused charge distance up to a maximum of +6 Attacks. For example, if a Solitaire charges into an enemy 8" away then they gain +4 Attacks.