Greetings followers of The Path. What you hold in your hands is the latest version of Gav Thorpe's Harlequin army list. Gav has secretly been working away on this for the last six months or so, changing things here, tweaking things there, and generally pulling the army list into shape.

The good news is that Gav is now confident that the army list is in a playable state, so we've decided to unleash the current version to a wider audience by printing it in the Journal. What we'd like you guys to do is use this experimental version of the army list, and then write to us telling us what you think of it. We'd also like to know what you think of the Harlequins in general, what new miniatures you'd like to see, what new background - in short if you've anything to say that relates to this list we want to hear about it! Sadly we won't be able to reply to the mail we receive, but all the letters will be read and the ideas in them 'added to the melting pot'. In the fullness of time we'll be producing a Harlequin Codex (though not for quite a while yet!) so is a real opportunity to influence what goes in a published GW Codex.

Until then feel free to use the list in any games of 40K that you play, though if you're playing in a tournament you should make sure that the tournament organisers are cool with you using a list that hasn't been published in a Codex. For what it's worth you can tell them that the 40K development team would appreciate it receiving a 'field test' in tournament conditions!

Have fun, and remember to write us with our comments,
Jervis Johnson - 13th June 2000