Lord Salendor Conversion

To make Lord Salendor, Mark Raynor used the body from the Shadow Warrior commander. He carefully removed the head, arrows, and bow. Then, using Green Stuff, covered up the scalemail as Lord Salendor doesn't wear armor, and made a hood and scroll case. Salendor's new head is from the Archer frame, as is his left hand and sword.

Proud and noble, Lord Salendor was a skilled swordsman who was well-versed in the magical arts. He had unnatural foresight and was a brilliant tactician, as well as having near supernatural reflexes. The only Elven general to have matched Brok Stonefist in terms of strategy and personal combat, the two had a mutual respect and fought each other with ferocity on numerous occasions throughout the War of the Beard.

Lord Salendor was a famous and skilled strategist, as well as a masterful swordsman. He may be taken as a Lord choice in a High Elf army, and will always count as the army general, with no need to roll for Intrigue at Court.

Lord Salendor of Tor Achare
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Points: 345 points for Lord Salendor.

Weapon: Two hand weapons.

Magic: Lord Salendor is a Level 2 Wizard and will always use High Magic.

Special Rules:

Master Tactician: After deployment has finished, the High Elf player may choose to redeploy one of his units. The unit can be moved to any area within his deployment zone.

Unmatched Reflexes: Salendor will always attack first in close combat, even if charged. If an enemy has the same power because of a magic item or spell, hits are resolved in order of Initiative. If Salendor and his enemy have the same Initiative, roll a dice to decide who attacks first. In addition, so swift are his reflexes that he can avoid many attacks, his body becoming a blur of movement. As a result, Salendor has a Ward save of 4+.

Critical Strike: Salendor is adept at striking his attacks past his opponent's defenses. As such, all hits by Salendor confer an additional -1 armor save modifier.