Battle Barge 425 points

Most Space Marine Chapters control two or three battle barges. They are very brutal vessels, with only one purpose behind their design.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/STR Fire Arc
Bombardment Cannon
Prow Torpedoes
Port Battery
Starburst Battery
Prow Launch Bay
Thunderhawk 20cm
3 squadrons
Special Rules

Cannot use "Come to new Heading" special order.

Special Torpedoes List (+43 points)

Note: You may take only one type of torpedoes.

As might be expected [a battle barge] is configured for close support of planetary landings and carries numerous bombardment turrets and torpedo tubes. A considerable amount of hull space is given over to launch bays for intra-system craft and drop pods, observations indicating that up to three companies can deploy simultaneously. The vessel is extremely heavily armoured and well shielded, presumably so that it can breach planetary defences without harm coming to its cargo. […] Naturally the battle barge would make a frightening opponent in any situation where boarding is involved.

– Lord Captain Morley of the Fleet Insturum of Alien Studies.

Barrage Bombs : Each salvo of barrage bombs which strikes a planet during a Planetary Assault Scenario earns 1 assault point if its strength 6 or less, 2 assault points if its strength 7or above. Barrage bombs which attack ships do not ignore shields like ordnance, knock down shields and place blast markers for hits just like direct fire attack.

Guided Torpedoes: Make up to a 45degree turn at the beginning of the ordnance phase, if the ship which launched them passes a leadership text. If the Leadership test is failed, one enemy ship can attempt to give the torpedo salvo false instructions by passing a leadership test. If the enemy ship is successful, the enemy player is allowed to turn the torpedoes instead.

Melta Torpedoes: Only one shot. Hits from melta torpedoes inflict no damage points, instead each hit causes an automatic Fire critical. If a ship which is carrying unused melta torpedoes suffers a critical hit to its prow if suffera an extra D3 fire criticals as the torpedoes detonate.

Seeking Torpedoes: Can make a 45degree turn at the beginning of the ordnance phase, so that i is pointing towards the nearest enemy ship. If several ships are the same distance the torpedoes will turn towards the largest ship. Will detonate on a D6 roll of 5 or 6 if pass throught a blast marker. Will never hit a friendly ship.

Short Burn Torpedoes: Only one shot. Increased speed of 40cm. Roll a D6 for each salvo after they have moved and made attacks - on a roll of 6 they run out of fuel and are replaced with a blast maker.

Vortex torpedoes: Only one shot. Hits inflicted by vortex torpedoes will automatically cause critical dabage. if a ship which is carrying unused vortex torpedoes suffera a critical hit to its prow if suffers an extra D3 points of damage and an automatic critical hit.