Constant rumours and alleged sightings around the subsectors of Bhien Morr persist of a gigantic, crab-like, monstrosity that travels the clusters and nebula of that region of space. Like many hiveships, the beast is extremely close-ranged. Its forward arc weapons are particularly adept at ship-to-ship combat. First it would use its Pyro-acid battery to soften up its prey and then close in with its massive claws and feeder tentacles.
With the advent of the first, failed hivefleet invasion of Ultramar. Many strange vessels and organisms are still reported especially in the Talassar system. Rumours of a alien nest on one of its moons are still uncollaborated. The Void Kraken lacks the massive claws of the above hiveship but more than makes up for this in its short-range bio-plasma and Pyro-acid batteries, which can muster a firepower of 12 at the front and sides.