The Adepta Sororitas

The Adepta Sororitas comes under the auspices of the Ecclesiarch, but the mojority of the governance of the Orders is performed by the Priorisses of the Convent Sanctorum and Convent Prioris.

The two Convents have a very similar organisation. However, the non-militant Orders often perform different duties and functions within each Convent. The Convent Sanctorum is based on Ophelia VII, whilst the Convent Prioris is on Terra.

Adepta Sororitas
Convent Sanctorum
Convent Prioris
Orders Militant
Orders Militant
Orders Hospitaller
Order of the Eternal Candle
Order of Serenity
Orders Hospitaller
Order of the Cleansing Water
Order of the Torch
Orders Famulous
Order of the Key
Order of the Gate
Orders Famulous
Order of the Holy Seal
Order of the Sacred Coin
Orders Dialogous
Order of the Holy Word
Order of the Quill
Orders Dialogous
Order of the Sacred Oath
Order of the Lexicon
Minor Orders
Minor Orders