On the following pages you'll find an army list that will allow you to field a Chaos Space Marine army in games of Warhammer 40,000. The army list lets you to fight battles using the scenarios included in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and also provides you with the basic information you'll need in order to field a Chaos Space Marine army in scenarios you've devised yourself or that form part of a campaign.

The army list is split into five sections. All of the squads, vehicles and characters in an army list are placed in one of the five sections depending upon their role on the battlefield. In addition, every model is given a points value, which varies depending upon how effective that model is on the battlefield. Before you can choose an army for a game you will need to agree with your opponent upon a scenario and the total amount of points each of you can spend on your forces. Having done this you can proceed to pick an army as described below.


The army lists are used with the force organisation chart from a scenario. Each chart is split into five categories that correspond to the sections in the army list and each category may have one or more boxes. Each light toned box means that you may make one choice from that section of the army list, but a dark toned box means that you must make a choice from that section.

Note that unless a model or vehicle forms part of a squad or a squadron, it counts as a single choice from what is available to your army


To make a choice, look in the relevant section in the army list and decide what unit you want to have in your army, how many models there will be in the unit, and which upgrades you want (if any). Remember that you cannot field models that are equipped with weapons and wargear that is not shown on the model. Once this is done, subtract the points value of the unit from your total points and then go back and make another choice. Continue doing this until you have spent all your points.

Army List Entries

Each army list entry consists of the following:

Unit Name: The type of unit and any limitations on the maximum number of choices you can make for it (eg 0-1).

Profile: These are the characteristics of that unit type, including its points cost. Where the unit has different warriors, there may be more than one profile.

Number/Squad: The number of models allowed in the unit, or the number of models you may take for one choice from the force organisation chart. Often this is a variable amount, in which case it shows the minimum and maximum unit size.

Weapons: These are the unit's standard weapons.

Options: Lists the different weapon/equipment options for the unit and any additional points cost for taking them. It may also include the option to upgrade a squad member to a character. If a squad is allowed to have models with upgraded weaponry (ie heavy weapons, plasma guns, etc) then these may only be taken by ordinary squad members, not the character.

Special Rules: This is where you'll find any special rules that apply to the unit.