All Harlequins must undertake a mysterious trial, known only as the Ritual. The Ritual is said to free them from the Great Enemy, which is why Harlequins have no fear of her, and need not wear a waystone. This is also why the Harlequins can roam the Webway at will without enduring the soul-draining which afflicts the other Eldar who spend too long exposed to the warp. Due to their extremely athletic nature and acrobatic skill, Harlequins are fearsome warriors in an assault, aided by their highly specilaised weaponry.
Squad: The troupe consists of between 5 and 10 Harlequins. Weapons: Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon. Options: Up to 2 models in the squad may exchange their close combat weapon for a Harlequin's Kiss at +5 points per model, or a power weapon for +6 points per model. Up to two models in the squad may exchange their shuriken pistol for either a plasma pistol at +5 points, or a fusion pistol for +8 points. The Harlequins can be armed with hallucinogen grenades for +2 points per model, plasma grenades for +2pts per model, tanglefoot grenades for +4 pts per model and haywire grenades for +3 points per model. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Troupe leader for +12 points. A Troupe Leader has the improved profile given above and may take additional equipment allowed by the Harlequins armoury. |