The Codex Astartes states that the Chapter Master should make proper provision for the protection of important heroes on the battlefield, recognising as it does the importance of the Chapter's Officers, Standard Bearers, Apothecaries and other specialists. Most Codex Chapters therefore organise Command Squads to act in the role of bodyguard to these warriors.
The Command Squads are not a codified part of the Company organisation rather they are approved yet ad hoc units. As such they can vary in size and composition but they rarely comprise more than ten Marines and normally consist of between five and ten warriors. In the Battle and Reserve Companies these Marines are veterans drawn from the ranks of the Company's Tactical, Assault and Devastator Squads who have not yet been promoted to the 1st Company. The number of marines in a Command Squad will vary according to the availability of such veterans and to the tactical situation the Chapter encounters. The Command Squad is more flexible than most of the other squad types in that up to two of the Marines may be designated as Special Weapons Troopers or as Heavy Weapon Troopers. This is in part due to the availability of specifically trained Marines and in part due to differing tactical needs. The mix of supreme individual warriors and highly experienced veteran Space Marine Battle-Brothers makes Command Squads a particularly powerful fighting force and many a battle has been won by their timely intervention or clever depoyment. The Company Standard Bearer is a hand picked veteran with many years of combat experience. He will have been chosen for this honourable duty because of his bravery and steadfastness in battle. He is a very capable warrior who can be discounted when assessing the fighting strength of the Company. Note that the Standard Bearer has his own shoulder pad markings as befits his officer status within the Chapter.
The Sergeant may display his back banner. The Banner displays the Chapter icon, the Sergeant's red skull rank badge and is trimmed in the company colour. The Standard Bearer's rank badge is the Imperial Laurel honour, usually combined with a skull.