The 10th Company of a Codex Chapter consists entirely of Scout Squads. This spread illustrates the 2nd Scout Squad of the Ultramarines 10th Company. (Each Squad consists of a Scout Sergeant and up to nine Space Marine Scouts.


In addition to the uniform shown here Scouts also employ a huge variety of camouflage schemes. These may be applied to the armoured sections and fatigues of the Scout outfit as well as on capes worn over the armour if the mission demands. Furthermore the Scouts are experts at covert warfare and will take account of the local conditions when kitting up for a mission.

There is no theoretical limit on how many Scout Squads there may be in the Company. However in practice there are rarely more than ten. The Squad number in white is shown on the right shoulder pad. Scouts do not show any Company badge, colour or number. The roth Company does not have a battle standard or a Company Banner.

Scouts are basically Space Marines wearing a lighter version of the Space Marine armour. The armour is not as strong a defence as the standard power armour but it is far less restrictive to movement and almost completely silent in operation. This makes it an ideal uniform for troops whose primary goal on the battlefield is to avoid detection. Scouts are employed in all kinds of reconnaissance, infiltration and other subterfuge. They are rightly valued for their ability to strike deep into enemy lines without being seen and for the resultant confusion and terror this can cause.

Scouts are physically the same as other Space Marines but in many Chapters the 1oth Company has a vital role as a training battalion and new recruits are inducted into the Scouts before graduating to the Battle and Reserve Companies. In other Chapters the individual Companies have a responsibility for this training and the 1oth Company includes many Marines with decades of experience.

Sniper rifle

Bolt gun


Heavy weapon: Missile Launcher

Heavy weapon: Heavy bolter

A Scout Squad comprises a Scout Sergeant and up to nine other ranks or Battle-Brothers. These warriors are armed with a variety of different weapons. Bolt guns, sniper rifles, combat shotguns are all commonly employed but the most favoured armament is a bolt pistol and knife combination. Sergeants invariably carry a chains word, almost as much a badge of rank as a weapon.

Scout Squads also have access to a number of different heavy weapons and one of the Scouts within the Squad may be armed with a Heavy Bolter, Autocannon or Missile Launcher. These are normally only used if the mission requires it. In most circumstances and missions the Scouts prefer to sacrifice firepower for stealth and speed.

The whole Squad will also usually carry grenades of which by far the most common types are Frag grenades (wide area, fragmentation blast) or Krak greenades (tightly focused, armour piercing blast). Other grenade types are occasionally used on special missions but are generally restricted to officers and squad leaders.

Scout Squads are also trained to fight as Bike Squadrons. This provides a highly mobile support for Scouts operating behind enemy lines.

All ranks

Scout Sergeant
Scout Sergeant
Scout Sniper
Scout Sniper