The Battle for Taros System
At 537998.M41 the Tau fleet, coordinating their operation with the ground forces, arrived in the Taros system to begin their part in the campaign plan. Since their arrival in-system, Imperial Admiral Kotto's invasion fleet had busied themselves with protecting the unloading operation and the supply convoys, now to-ing and fro-ing from the Taros system like worker bees collecting pollen. The Righteous Power remained in geostationary orbit over the landing zone, whilst the three cruisers were stationed in the outer reaches, positioned to provide a secure perimeter with maximum sensor coverage and the fastest reaction time for a cruiser to respond to any surprise Tau moves. The two light cruisers and most of the escorts provided close convoy protection for the important cargo vessels which now formed the 4621st Army's lifeline. With the Space Marines not currently engaged on the surface, the War Talon had withdrawn and began patrolling the system as a rapid reaction force, ready to speed to wherever she was needed, or back to orbit should a fresh planetfall operation be called for. Novem squadron's Firestorm frigates provided the outer piquet line, patrolling deep space as an early warning against Tau raiders. The Tau fleet slipped into the Taros system unnoticed at first, disengaging etherdrives in deep space and creeping in system on the tail of the Imperial convoys. Running slowly and silently, the Tau fleet was about to begin a long game of the hide-and-seek with the more powerful Imperial vessels.
The Tau fleet was centred around its latest vessels, a Custodian class carrier A'Rho, and the twin Protector class starships lo'Tar and lo'Phi supported by four squadrons of Castellans and Wardens. In all, it was a fleet of twenty-six vessels, but in a straight engagement it could not hope to match the entire Imperial fleet arrayed against it. Instead, the Tau would hit and run, targeting the convoys and trying to split the Imperial fleet into smaller forces they could engage and defeat separately. Upon arrival the Tau fleet divided into four groups and set different courses. The main group, led by the A'Rho, would strike deepest, acting as a decoy to draw Imperial vessels in pursuit of it. Meanwhile, the two Protector-led attack groups would strike at the supply convoys. The fourth group, consisting of a single squadron of five Castellans would be given free reign; their role was to create confusion, operating independently of the other squadrons with free reign to harass convoys or draw Imperial pursuit on a wild goose chase. Firestorm frigate Novem 22 was the first Imperial vessel to identify part of the Tau fleet. Stationed on a patrol route through deep space, the frigate's sensors picked up an unidentified signal and moved closer to investigate. Closing cautiously, she was soon tracking four unknown vessels of escort size, moving in formation. Novem 22 did not wait around to find any larger ships, she was already heavily outmatched. Instead she turned around and heading back in-system at full speed to report her finding to Admiral Kotto. On board the Righteous Power Kotto listened to the crackling, static-shrouded voice of Captain Renard commanding Novem 22. The Tau had finally arrived. In what numbers, and what vessels he did not yet know, but the threat must be countered. Kotto passed the report to the closest cruiser to Novem's location, the Lunar class Hammer of Thrace. The Hammer of Thrace responded immediately to the first contact, and upon receiving orders from Admiral Kotto moved to rendezvous with the regrouping Novem squadron and then intercept the raiders and engage. He didn't know it, but Admiral Kotto had swallowed the bait. Free from the threat of the closest cruiser, the first Protector-led Tau attack group sped towards troop convoy Alpha-four, a small line astern of four transports currently inbound for Taros. The Imperius Javalin, Anvil and Gauntlet and the Prince Maud were well guarded by their convoy leader, the Dauntless light cruiser Cerebus, and Errant squadron, consisting of four Sword class frigates. Convoy Alpha-four was transporting part ot XI Corp, the entire 8th Brimlock Dragoons regiment and their supplies, and was making its first return journey since taking part in the initial invasion. With no contact from the Tau so far the convoy was expecting an easy return trip. It was now in grave peril. With the Hammer of Thrace and Novem squadron already comitted in pursuit of the Tau escort vessels, the convoy was dangerously exposed. The first Captain Nomura on the bridge of the Cerebus knew of the Tau presence was the arrival of the lо'Tar and her escorting vessels in sensor range, racing towards the convoy. The Tau attack came as a total surprise on the bridge of the light cruiser, which reacted by immediately sounding battle-stations and requesting assistance from the Hammer of Thrace. Too late, the Lunar class cruiser was already under orders and moving away at flank speed. She could not help. The lo'Tar opened the battle of convoy Alpha-four with a volley from her gravitic launchers, firing drone missiles which scattered the convoy and escorts as they swung hard to evaded the guided lock-ons. The five Castellans followed close behind, closing with their forward railgun batteries lashing the frigates of Errant squadron. Taken off-guard, the escorts responded as best they could, weapons batteries booming out huge cannon shells, trying to find their range on the closing Tau vessels. In those first fusillades the Cerebus was hit in the engines as she swung hard to starboard. A drone missile had locked on and could not be shaken; it found its mark. The explosion as the missile penetrated the Cerebus' stern flashed through the engine decks, incinerating engineers, servitors and ratings. Seriously damaged by the impact the Cerebus' main plasma core began to dangerously overheat, running out of control and threatening to detonate the entire ship. Captain Nomura ordered the core shut down, but that left his vessel a drifting cripple at the mercy of the Tau gunners. The Tau gunners showed little mercy that day. As Cerebus was lashed by fire, Captain Nomura ordered all to abandon ship, but refused all advice to leave the bridge himself. With their convoy leader disabled, the transports fled for safety. The cruiser Black Duke had been ordered to their aid, but was still too far away to intervene in the battle. The transports changed course to meet the incoming Dictator class cruiser, but their small engines where unable to outrun the pursuing Castellans, which now swarmed around them, ion cannons and railgun batteries blazing, overwhelming shield generators, buckling armour plates and puncturing hulls. In the holds of their transports the Guardsmen of the 8th Brimlock Dragoons were powerless to aid in their own defence. They felt their ships roll and vibrate with each enemy near miss. They heard the engines straining at flank speed and the distant thunder of the transports own small cannons returning fire. The Imperius Anvil was hit amidst ships as one Castellan swept over her, a gravitic launched missile smashed through the thin side armour and into the packed holds. The massive explosion inside the cramped interior tore men apart, tossing bodies about and setting fires raging through the lower decks. In that first impact hundreds died, the fires would claims hundreds more. Fatally wounded, the stricken transport fell behind the others, stranding a third of the Brimlock regiment. Next the Prince Maud was critically hit, shields stripped away by the Tau fire, a railgun battery volley tore through the bridge and super-structure, killing the bridge crew to a man. Unknown to the Imperial Guardsmen in the holds below, their vessel was now drifting with no captain and no one to man the helm. She was easy pickings for the Tau. To the rear Errant squadron was fighting bravely, but was now heavily outgunned by the lo'Tar. They traded bombardments, retaining the slim hope that the Black Duke would arrive to rescue them. The Lunar class cruiser was straining every engine and reactor, racing to the rescue, but too late. Convoy Alpha-four was being annihilated by the surprise attack, and with it the 8th Brimlock Dragoons. The last of the transports were hunted down and destroyed before the Tau vessels turned about and fled back the way they had come. The Black Duke was still some hours away, and would only arrive in time to begin rescue operations. There was little to salvage except the few lucky survivors. Like wolves falling on the fold the Tau had torn the convoy apart. It is probable that they never realised that trapped within the transports thousands of guardsmen had perished as the bulk heads collapsed and hulls tore open, spilling silently screaming men out in the hard vacuum of space. The 8th Brimlock Dragoons were no more. Before being destroyed the Cerebus had launched its lifeboats and many of these were picked up by the Black Duke. The survivors told the tale of the sudden surprise attack which had overwhelmed them. It was the first ambush of many. The grim news of the destruction of convoy Alpha-four and the loss of an entire Imperial Guard regiment reached Admiral Kotto on the Righteous Power and Lord Marshal De Stael on Taros. It was a heavy blow for both, and Admiral Kotto set about making new plans and issuing new orders for increased protection of the convoys. The Hammer of Thrace was to continue her pursuit of the Custodian, a request was sent to the War Talon to aid the hunt. They were not to stop until the dangerous Tau vessel was destroyed. The Star of Cassiopeia and Black Duke would now be diverted to convoy close protection along with Invincis and Omna squadrons. The Tau would not find any more soft targets to ambush. The Righteous Power would remain on standby, acting as the Admiral's reserve, ready to leave orbit if required. News of the destruction of the entire 8th Brimlock Dragoons caused Lord Commander Gustavus even greater concern. He immediately ordered the transportation of any other Imperial Guard regiments to Taros to cease, much to Marshal De Stael's displeasure. Whilst the Tau fleet threatened to reap such wanton destruction it was a risk Gustavus could not run. The 19th Kriegs Armoured regiment had just begun embarking for Taros, and that operation was halted. The regiment received orders to stand-down until further notice. Admiral Kotto was instructed to secure the supply lines before any more regiments would be risked in transit. Gustavus' order to the 19th Kriegs regiment was never rescinded and the regiment never made it to Taros. De Stael's XI Corp was left with only three regiments: the Sarennians, the Elysians and the Cadians. The Tau's first attack had been a great success, but now they would need to attack a second convoy. The A'Rho was on the run, leading two Imperial capital ships on a long chase across the solar system. It was not until reaching the inner flare zone that she would be finally brought to battle. In subsequent weeks the lo'Tar and lo'Phi continued to harass the supply convoys, risking the bigger Imperial vessels to pick off transports. During the attack on convoy Epsilon-six the super-heavy tanker Empress of Svedeg was crippled by drone missiles, along with her valuable cargo of water and fuel. It was a blow that would cost 4621 st Army very dear when the water supplies started to run out. Every convoy now ran the gauntlet; some made it through, other arrived after being damaged, some transports were destroyed all together. Each time a ship was lost more vital supplies were lost. Demand for the Raptors' assistance in the ground war on Taros meant the War Talon was forced abandon her hunt and Admiral Kotto had to commit the Righteous Power to the A'Rho's pursuit. Lord Commander Gustavus' decision was that the ground forces would get priority use of the Space Marine allies. The War Talon withdrew from the hunt and returned to orbit above Taros, ready for the Raptors deployment during Operation Comet. She was immediately replaced by the Righteous Power. The flagship's great engines slowly pushed the venerable battlecruiser out of Taros' gravity well and Admiral Kotto instructed Captain Rymus to set course to rendezvous with the Hammer of Thrace and Novem squadron. Like hounds on the scent, the Imperial Navy would relentlessly pursue their quarry. After a long pursuit and several skirmishes, the Custodian class A'Rho and her Castellan escorts where finally run to ground. She had led her pursuers on a fourteen day dance around the system. Eventually, the renegade Tau starship and her escorts pressed in close to the system's dazzling yellow sun, through the mercurial zone and deeper into the thickening radiation clouds. For the Imperium's ships tracking their target here would be difficult, and although out-classed by two Imperial capital ships, the big Tau vessel would have her best fighting chance in here. The fleet action around Taros was approaching its climax amidst the thick, irradiated dust clouds and coruscating solar flares which shimmered pink, yellow and purple in dense skeins throughout the inner flare zone. It was an eerie place for a battle. Navy rating and deck hands have many old superstitions about flying so close to the sun. After three days of relentless pursuit directly into the inner flare zone, where temperatures soaring and scanner equipment burning out. Officers in shirt sleeve order and topless men sweated on every deck as the sun loomed ever larger and larger in the view screens. Eventually it filled the screens with a blinding glare that the reactive photo-chromatic view ports struggled to keep out. The vessels were all bathed in a bright light as they rumbled deeper and deeper into the gas clouds. Only now did the A'Rho chose to turned and fight. Admiral Kotto was sleeping on a cot in his command post on the Righteous Power's flag bridge when a young ensign apologetically woke him. The Tau ship had been located, and it seemed she had come about to face them. Battle was imminent. Without pausing to put on his uniform the Admiral raced to the main bridge to conduct the engagement, bootless and still only dressed in his breeches and undershirt. The A'Rho powered up her forward deflectors and launched her Wardens, Mantas and Barracudas. The Tau escorts formed into line abreast and opened fire with a salvo of railgun rounds. Despite having the advantage in firepower, this would be no easy victory for the Imperial Navy. With the sun's huge glare directly in their faces their scanner equipment was malfunctioning, the Tau vessels became ghostly images dancing upon the sensor screens. Shooting at the small escorts and bombers would be like trying to hit a flying sparrow with a boulder. The Imperial vessels returned fire, lance turrets firing furiously as the ships manoeuvred to bring their broadside guns to bear. The Hammer of Thrace narrowly threaded a spread of Tau missiles, close defence turrets blazing in all directions as flights of Mantas and Barracudas swarmed close to her, bombing and strafing. The Castellan escorts tore into battle like a pack of rabid dogs unleashed. They tangled with Novem squadron, guns booming left and right. Quickly two of each side's vessel became drifting wrecks. Shells from the Righteous Power's big port batteries impact against the A'Rho's prow, the deflectors absorbing the energy. Return fire buckled the battlecruiser's armoured apron. One ion cannon blast burrowed into the forward lance turret, destroying it in a blossoming explosion, and killing all the gun crew inside. The Hammer of Thrace followed her flagship in, shells and plasma bolts flying thick and fast from her broadside guns. The A'Rho was taking damage, hits on the port launch bay disabled it. Wounded but unswerving the Tau vessel gave as good as she got, hammering out railgun and ion cannon rounds which puncture great rents in the Lunar class cruiser's starboard side. Deep inside the decks of the Imperial cruiser started to bum. After that pass, the first engagement of the battle was over and both sides limped apart to assess the damage and lick their wounds. Every ship was now damaged in some way, the Hammer of Thrace worse of all. Attacks by the Mantas had silenced her lance batteries, ion cannon hits had set fires in the lower decks and she was listing heavily, 80% of her manoeuvring thrusters had been shot away. For two hours the great starships eyed each other warily and drifted on through the thickening radiation clouds. On board each vessel the crews worked feverishly to repair battle damage and contain fires. The second engagement of the battle only began when the Righteous Power's damage control teams had completed their work. Satisfied that his battlecruiser was still battle-worthy, Admiral Kotto ordered Captain Rymus to go directly at the A'Rho. "Load all torpedo tubes, and put the prow to the fore," he commanded, and the Righteous Power closed in again on her prey. The A'Rho responded to the aggression with new, if reduced, waves of Mantas and Barracudas. The Righteous Power's first spread of torpedoes was intercepted and destroyed in detailed. Without their own fighter protection the Imperial ships were exposed to the Tau's return fire. Drone missiles swooped in, followed closely by the smaller Tau escorts. No longer able to avoid the incoming missiles the Hammer of Thrace was hit again, this time several missiles piled through her starboard flank before exploding within. Multiple explosions broke the back of the already weakened cruiser. She fell silent, crippled, drifting and out of the battle. The survivors of Novem squadron accompanied their flagship, and again tangled with the Wardens and Castellans. More escorts died in an inflaguration of fire. By now the Righteous Power had fallen upon her foe, closing to point blank range and swinging hard to starboard to expose her broadside batteries. At short range the firepower was awesome, tearing into the A'Rho, round after round pummelling her flanks. The Tau's return fire could not match the battlecruiser's big guns, and the A'Rho attempted to disengage and flee. But Admiral Kotto was driven by vengeance for his lost ships, and would not let his prey go now he had them firmly in his sights. The battlecruiser came round in her tightest arch and raked the Tau vessel with a second broadside. The damage inflicted was terrible. The starboard wing of the Custodian was torn clean off, slowly drifting away from the hull in a cloud of debris. The bridge was destroyed. Fires burned along her length. The A'Rho was racked by internal explosions and helpless drifting. She was dead, there would be no survivors. The remaining Tau escorts, just two Castellans and a single Warden, fled. The battle was over and both sides had paid a heavy price. The Hammer of Thrace and three Firestorm frigates of Novem squadron had been destroyed, leaving just the battle scarred Righteous Power and a single escort to return victorious to Taros. The threat of the A'Rho might have been eliminated but meanwhile the other Tau vessels had continued their convoy raiding.