Bastion of the Old Ones

An attacking army has reached the vast fortifications defending the Citadel of the Dark Master. A protracted full-scale siege would both be bloody and extremely costly for the attacker, so a daring plan is to be attempted. A small, lightly equipped assault force has sneaked its way by night to a secondary gate in the walls and is now ready to assault it at the first light of dawn. The plan is to storm the walls and seize control of the gate and hold it for long enough for the attacking army to reach it and enter the fortifications.


This scenario is a 'Siege' and follows all the rules of Appendix Four of the Warhammer rulebook, with the following exceptions:


The Defender has 750 points and can choose only infantry and non-Wizard characters on foot. Truthsayers or Dark Emissaries are not allowed in this scenario.

Siege Equipment: The Defender can buy all kinds of defensive siege equipment for his troops.


The Attacker has 1,500 points and can choose only infantry and non-Wizard characters which are on foot. Truthsayers or Dark Emissaries are not allowed in this scenario.

Siege Equipment: The Attacker can only buy ladders and grappling hooks for his troops.


The Defenders are deployed first. The Attackers are then deployed anywhere outside the walls that is further than 15" from the walls.


The Defender moves first.


Seven turns.


To win, the Attacking player needs to control the gate at the end of the game. To control the gate, the Attacker must have an unbroken unit with a Unit Strength of at least 5 inside the walls and in base contact with the gate itself by the end of the game (flying models do not count).

If the game ends with an Attacking unit in this position but the unit is engaged in close combat with Defenders, the game is considered to be a draw. If there is no Attacking unit in such a position, the Defender wins.

The Attacker also wins if he completely wipes out the Defending force.