This spread illustrates a typical Devastator unit, the 9th Squad of the Ultramarines 2nd Company. The Chapter icon is displayed on the left shoulder pad and the tactical designation markings are displayed on the left shoulder pad. The tactical markings consist of an inverted white 'V' and a black squad number, in this case IX. The shoulder pad rims are in yellow (for the 2nd Company). The chest eagle is metallic gold or brass. The Devastator squad consists of a Sergeant and up to nine Battle-Brothers of who four are designated as Heavy Weapons troopers. The Sergeant will be a Marine who has received extra training to equip him for his leadership role. Devastator Sergeants are also experts with all types of Marine Heavy Weapons although they fight with the standard Sergeant's weapons of pistol and close-combat weapon. This expertise means that the Sergeant can get the fullest tactical advantage from the weaponry he has at his command. Space Marines rely on the tactical acumen of individual Sergeants to avoid the need for complex command structures and communication networks. The Battle-Brothers of a Devastator Squad fall into two groups. The first of these are the Heavy Weapons troopers. There may be as many as four Heavy Weapons troopers in the Squad. These Marines are armed with Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, Lascannons, Multi-Meltas or Plasma Cannons. These awesome weapons provide the squad with a host of alternative deployments and tactical uses. Inevitably the Devastator Squads are most commonly used to counter enemy armour or to penetrate defence points. They can also be used to provide fire support for infantry advances and to pin the enemy with suppressing fire. The remaining Battle-Brothers are armed with Bolt guns. Their role is to protect the Heavy Weapons troopers, add supporting fire when engaging the enemy at close range and to act as battlefield replacements for the Heavy Weapons troopers if they are casualties. All of the Marines in the Squad are fully trained with all of the weapon types and it only takes moments for them to swap weapons, backpacks and other equipment if necessary. The Bolt gun armed marines also carry additional ammunition and battery packs for the Squad's Heavy Weapons. Devastator Squads are often provided with armoured transports; usually Rhinos but sometimes Razorbacks. This enables the Squad to be quickly advanced on the battlefield or rapidly redeployed to a new sector of fighting. Razorbacks offer additional heavy weapon support to the Squad. Some of the Battle-Brothers may have fought enough battles to earn Veteran status. These Marines may continue to serve with the Squad for a short time but eventually they will be given special duties (see Command Squad) or promoted to the 1st Company. In this way the, ranks of the elite company are replenished. Veteran Battle-Brothers have white helmets, Veteran Sergeants wear a while striped red helmet.
The Sergeant's banner displays the Chapter icon, the Sergeant's rank badge and is trimmed in the company colour. Sergeant banners may also display personal and squad honours. Name scrolls may appear frequently on Veteran Sergeant's banner for example.